Wondering how to teach 4th grade math? Begin with much-needed background concepts, work from concrete to abstract, and scaffold from simple to complex applications. Then they’ll get it. This post…
Customary units of measurement are tough to teach. But have no fear! With a little scaffolding, your students will master them in no time. First, let kids explore with actual…
Teaching factors is so underrated! When kids understand relationships between factors and multiples, patterns of mathematics unfold before their eyes. Let’s talk about how to tackle Common Core State Standard 4.OA.B.4: Find all…
Place value for fourth graders involves multi-digit whole numbers. Kids need to fully conceptualize the value of a digit, read, write, compare, and round. Are you ready to have some…
Let’s look at some ideas for teaching measurement in fourth grade. First, provide concrete experiences. Second, let kids estimate. Third, measure. Finally, provide supported activities for converting units. (more…)
Try three great activities for Pi Day. You’ll enjoy teaching this elusive number (3.14…) on March 14 (3/14) in your upper elementary classroom. (more…)