Looking for some great games for comparing numbers? Just grab some dice. When kids roll and rearrange the digits, they can compare and order in a fun way. (more…)
Teaching rounding with a number line helps kids understand what it’s all about. The tactile experience lets them explore base-ten place value in a meaningful way. Before you ask your…
Wondering how to write a number in expanded form? Just decompose it by place value. For example, 390,406 = 300,000 + 90,000 + 400 + 6. Let’s take a look…
What are the writing rules for numbers in standard form and words? Basically, kids (and adults) must understand periods, or series of three numbers set off by commas. (more…)
Looking for a place value chart that’s printable? Two versions let your kids work with numbers to the hundred thousands or hundred millions. And while you’re here, pick up some…
Do your kids really understand the value of a digit in a number? Use these strategies to help fourth grade students conceptualize zero as a placeholder, as well as how…
Place value for fourth graders involves multi-digit whole numbers. Kids need to fully conceptualize the value of a digit, read, write, compare, and round. Are you ready to have some…